Pierce Clinic of Chiropractic is your premier destination in St. Petersburg, FL, for advanced chiropractic care. Through a variety of non-invasive and effective therapies, our clinic is dedicated to assisting patients in achieving optimal health and wellness. We provide a wide range of specialized services that include MLS Laser Therapy, Massage Therapy, H-Wave Therapy, and many more. Our expert team of chiropractors and therapists collaborate with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that matches their specific needs and goals. Whether you are looking for chronic pain relief or to improve your overall health, Pierce Clinic has the experience and tools to help you achieve your goals.
Laser treatment is a gentle and safe therapy that stimulates and enhances the body's natural healing process. The MLS M6 Laser is one of the most advanced healing lasers on the market, offering the world's only simultaneous multi-wavelength laser treatment.
The MLS laser is capable of penetrating skin up to 2 inches deep and is 85-90% efficient in reducing inflammation and soothing pain. Laser therapy promotes cellular tissue growth and repair, increases vascular and metabolic activity, and enhances nerve function.
Massage therapy is a therapeutic method that seeks to stimulate or calm the body's soft tissues for restorative purposes. Massage works by kneading and stroking muscles to relax them, as well as utilizing friction to stimulate soft tissues and increase blood and lymph circulation.
Massage provides numerous benefits, including stress reduction and relaxation, reduction of pain and muscular stiffness and tension, improvement of circulation, energy and alertness, reduction of heart rate and blood pressure, and improvement of immune function. Other research has discovered further benefits in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, myofascial pain syndrome, nerve pain, and TMJ pain.
H-Wave is a one-of-a-kind electro-therapeutic treatment that aids in functional restoration, muscular tone, and pain management.
H-Wave delivers electrical currents into the muscles, causing them to contract. A fluid shift is induced by contracting the muscles, which reduces inflammation and removes debris from the tissues, replacing them with healing and nourishing blood.
H-Wave therapy is used to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders. It is frequently used to relieve acute pain, break up muscular spasms, strengthen weakening muscles, reduce inflammation, promote joint mobility, and relieve acute discomfort.
Pierce Clinic of Chiropractic
2201 62nd Avenue North
St Petersburg, FL 33702
Monday: 9AM-12:30PM, 2PM-5:30PM
Tuesday: 9AM-12:30PM
Wednesday: 9AM-12:30PM, 2PM-5:30PM
Thursday: 9AM-12:30PM, 2PM-5:00PM
Friday: 9AM-12:30PM, 2PM-5:30PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
By Appointment Only